Thursday, February 25, 2010

The recipe for success!

Lately I have been reading a lot of blogs here on blogspot and it turns out that the majority of blogs are about families. (You know: Harris Family, Navy Wife. Bloggin Mom) I used to think that this was a little... stupid, maybe. I never understood why a forthy year old working mother would like to share that her youngest son doesn't know how to use a potty chair and that it is a pain because he is elleven years old!(Is that something to be proud of! And think about elleven year old Hank who constantly wets himself when his school mates find out. Poor Hank!) But I have nothing to say, because, you know what?

These blogs got followers! And readers! A luxury I seriously don't have. I have two followers, and considering that one of them is myself and the other one of my best friends, I must see myself beaten.

So, If you read this and is not Therese (even though it's not likely) FOLLOW ME! I have got to get more followers than The Harris family (14, I am not kidding! 14 people wake up every morning thinking: Oh my God! How is Cilla doing today? Is she wearing that lovely pink skirt? How cool is that?! How many people wake up thinking: What sort of bullshit has Jules written on her blog today? I think none:)

But I have found the recipy for succes! These are the things you need if you want to be a succesfull blogger:

  • You must be married to a navy-guy.
  • You must have two or more kids. They should be boys and in the age beetween three and eight years old. A dog is allso nice.                                                                                                             
  • You should be into stamping. And your stamps should be cute or with messages like "Peace, faith and love!" Stuff like that.
  • You LOVE your husband! Even though he is mostly in Iraq or Afganistan most of the year and you have to take care of your two or three kids and dog alone. And the dog eats the neighbors rabbits so your neighbors sue you and win in court and now you have no money to pay for your sons soccer practice and they hate you for it.   
  •  You are american! And you are very proud of it.
  • You live in the suburbs. In a beautifull huge house with fitted carpets in deep red or green.

I am none of these things and that is why I have NO readers:)

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